Executive Development
The Executive Development Program is the last of three unique leadership programs provided by the Leadership Development Institute of Georgia (LDIG). The program is intended for upper-level management personnel who are at or above the rank of Major and above. This seven-module program is designed to assist executives in solving critical problems and guiding their agencies through turbulent times. The on-campus learning environment will foster collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking. It will also be demanding and intellectually challenging.
In addition to face-to-face instruction, key components include comprehensive readings, table-top exercises and a written Action Plan related to a tangible problem participants face in their individual agencies. The size of the class is limited to 15 to foster dialog and the sharing of experiences among class members. The readings will focus on major issues chief executive face and are designed to augment the decision-making process. The table-top exercises will bring realistic problems to a format where they can be analyzed, disentangled and solved. Action Plans are instructor-guided and will deal with real agency problems that need to be addressed. Classroom time will be dedicated to discussions of these plans with group interactions designed to foster problem-solving. Finally, the small size of the class serves to stimulate meaningful
Course Topics
- The Role of the Chief Executive, Strategic & Tactical Planning
- The Media & Political Survival
- The Dynamics of Personnel Administration
- Executive Liability
- Strategic & Tactical Planning
Graduates of the Executive Development Program will receive certified credit from the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and will be eligible for follow-up registration in 3 hours of academic credit at either the undergraduate or graduate level from Georgia State.
Command-Level Preparation
The Command-Level Program is the centerpiece of three unique leadership programs provided by the LDIG. The program is intended for mid-level management personnel who are at or above the rank of lieutenant. This seven-module program is designed to develop top-level leaders who can foster organizational cohesion and who have the skills necessary to engage the community they serve. The on-campus learning environment will foster participation, interaction and forward thinking. It will also be demanding and intellectually challenging.
In addition to face-to-face instruction, key components include comprehensive readings, a mentoring/shadowing experience and a written project related to a real-life obstacle participants face in their individual agency. The size of the class is limited to 25 to foster dialog and the sharing of experiences among class members. A manageable number of readings will focus on current, cutting edge topics calculated not only to develop knowledge but also to promote forward thinking. The mentoring/shadowing experience provides participants the opportunity to observe and examine the daily professional life of a command-level staff member at another agency. Projects are individualized and designed to make a real-world impact in the participant’s home agency. These projects are instructor-guided and classroom time will be dedicated to discussions of project progress with group interactions designed to foster problem-solving and best practices. Finally, the small size of the class serves to stimulate meaningful discussions and promote the building of long-lasting professional relationships.
Course Topics
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Strategic Command
- Working with the Media
- Managing Change
- Overseeing a Diverse Agency
Selected Instructors
- Leah Daigle, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology at GSU
- Lou Dekmar, LaGrange Chief of Police and past President of IACP
- Major Chip Huth of the Kansas City, Missouri PD
- Keith Morton, retired chief, Fountain Inn, SC PD
- Charlie Walters, retired chief, Gwinnett County PD
Graduates of the Command-Level Preparation Program will receive certified credit from the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and will be eligible for follow-up registration in 3 hours of academic credit at either the undergraduate or graduate level from Georgia State. This program is also an excellent pre-curser to the Executive Development Program at LDIG.
Supervisory-Level Enhancement
The first component of the three unique leadership programs provided by LDIG is the Supervisory-Level Enhancement Program. The program is designed to provide experienced first-line supervisors with the tools needed for advancement into mid-level management. It is a seven-module program is designed to enhance 1st line supervisory skills in three vital areas: Leadership Development, Organizational Cohesiveness and Community Engagement. It employs a dynamic on-campus learning environment that will foster skill development, group interaction and independent thinking. It is both schedule friendly and intellectually challenging.
In addition to face-to-face instruction, key components include short thought-provoking readings, a series of problem-solving exercises directly related to the participant’s agency and a community engagement project. The size of the class is limited to 25 to foster dialog and the sharing of experiences among class members. The readings, which are manageable in length and content, will focus on current topics gaged to encourage the reader to face alternative points of view. The problem-solving exercises will deal with real agency problems that need to be analyzed. As to the community engagement projects, each participant will choose a community-related issue to address, investigate the matter and construct written recommendations on dealing with the issue. These projects are instructor-guided and classroom time will be dedicated to discussions of participant progress. Finally, the small size of the class serves to stimulate meaningful discussions and promote the building of long-lasting professional relationships.
Course Topics
- Motivation
- Leadership
- Team Building
- Communication Essentials
- Ethical Leadership
Graduates of the Supervisory-Level Enhancement Program will receive certified credit from the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and will be eligible for follow-up registration in 3 hours of academic credit at either the undergraduate or graduate level from Georgia State. This program is also an excellent pre-curser to the Command-Level Preparation Program at LDIG.
Leadership Advancement for Women in Law Enforcement
The Leadership Advancement for Women in Law Enforcement (LAWLE) is a Special Targeted Program of the Leadership Development Institute of Georgia(LDIG). While there are many obstacles confronting law enforcement today, women may face specific challenges in their role as leaders in a male-dominated field. This special targeted LDIG program is designed to address some of the top concerns in this area, and to provide women and people who identify as women the tools they need to develop and enhance their leadership skills. Participants will leave the program with an individualized career plan outlining specific goals and the tools to reach them. Lead by a team of experienced faculty members as well as outstanding leaders in the law enforcement community, the four-module program focuses on cutting-edge instruction related to Leadership and Career Development, Organizational Cohesiveness, and Community Engagement.
In addition to face-to-face instruction, key components include comprehensive readings, a mentoring/shadowing experience, and developing a strategic career plan. The size of the class is limited to 25 to foster dialog and the sharing of experiences among class members. A manageable number of readings will focus on current, cutting-edge topics calculated not only to develop knowledge but also to promote forward thinking. The mentoring/shadowing experience provides participants the opportunity to observe and examine the daily professional life of a command-level staff member at another agency. Finally, the small size of the class serves to stimulate meaningful discussions and promote the building of long-lasting professional relationships.
Course Topics
- Strategic Career Planning
- Developing an Inclusive Leadership Style
- Confronting Gender Discrimination and Workplace Harassment
- Bridging the Communication Gap Across Sex, Gender & Generations
- Women Supporting Women
Selected Instructors
- Sue Carter Collins, Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology at GSU
- Leah Daigle, Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology at GSU
- Captain Aprille Moore, Fulton County Sheriff’s Office
- Chief Debra Williams, Clark-Atlanta University Police Department
- Wanda Y. Dunham, CEO of Wanda Dunham Consulting, LLC
- Chief Mirtha Ramos, DeKalb County Police Department
Graduates of the Command-Level Preparation Program will receive certified credit from the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and will be eligible for follow-up registration in 3 hours of academic credit at either the undergraduate or graduate level from Georgia State.